... balance carried down 余额移后,余额转次页 balance due 结欠,不足额 balance due from 应收……余额 ...
balance due from you 结欠我方
Balance due payment 尾款付款时
Pay the balance due tomorrow 明天付尾款
Payment of the balance due 货款的尾款
due to balance 你方帐户
This job was better, but I still felt out of balance due to the two hour daily commute (one hour each way) and the on-call nature of the job.
它比原来的好一些 但是我仍旧觉得失衡 因为它每天上下班需要花费两个小时(来回各一个小时)而且需要随叫随到。
We never complain that our wages are low, we never lose our mental balance due to those big townhouses you bought with the money you took from my meager wage.
Where the host is weakened or less capable to protect itself and maintain balance due to an infestation, the host naturally becomes more susceptible to other diseases.